Saturday, September 27, 2014

BrainBrains: Remembering...

The areas of the brain involved in the cognitive processes of remembering, call it short term, medium term, working memory, whatever one wishes to call it, the areas of the brain involved exhibit only effects of a systemic multicausality that (co)implicates cellular and infra-cellular levels and respective quantum fields for the sustainability and respective integrity of the organisms, in which take place dynamics of intensive reflexivity needed to the sustainability of the dynamics of cognitive syntheses to the image projection and respective verbalization for communicational interfaces, cognitive syntheses worked in the brain, an organizer, integrator organ indispensable to the production of the order that keeps the system as permanent presence.

The brain is not the exclusive producer of order for the organism, the brain depends upon the cells and upon the cellular and infra-cellular activity. The brain is a part of an integrated whole, and when scientists observe effects, what they are observing is the expression of a mechanical terminal, and no more than that, the rest one must interpret, analyze, evaluate, otherwise the organic causality and respective fundament will always escape them. Memory and the processes of remembering begin at the level of the fields of sustainability of the organism, it is there that are the life, existence, survival records that imports to recover and reelaborate for the dynamics of remembering. The brain is at the end of the line.

Friday, August 2, 2013

...where there are entities...

Where there are things, entities, there are fields, necessarily, and there is no field of relations, of sustainability, without gravity, therefore, there is no field of relations, of sustainability, without electromagnetism, if this is visible at the level of the effects, or not, depends upon the dynamics of the field, depends upon what is needed, but that does not mean in no way at all that the  electromagnetic capability is not there, and this because electromagnetism is not an entity, the electromagnetism depends, dispositionally, upon the fields, depends, dispositionally, upon gravity, or, better, upon the gravitic dynamics.

Everything is possible, in this cosmos, in other cosmos, in this world, in other worlds, in this dimension, in other dimensions…, and, of course, without electromagnetism there is no record, there is no memory…, there is no system…,

Friday, June 7, 2013

Crisis?! Crisis of what?!

Crisis?! Crisis of what?! Right..., just crisis!

Portugal, Greece, Cyprus, and so on…, the objective is not, and never was that of balancing the States’ accounts and resolving the problem of Countries' debt crises: that is the pretext. The objective was, always was, that of implementing the “shock doctrine” (Naomi Klein), defended by Milton Friedman: to take advantage of the crises in order to implement transformations that the people would never be in favor of.

Systematic unconstitutional measures are part of the strategy: to impoverish the people, to make Countries’ Constitutions fall, to impose a neoliberal dictatorship justified by programs of “external aid”/"bailouts".

The governments’ predictions fail because they are supposed to fail. False predictions are supplied, with the knowledge of government officials that these predictions will fail, they are supposed to fail: false predictions are a way of disguising that the goal is precisely to sink the middle class and Countries' economies making them dependent upon a global transnational financial system and respective elite, supported by a neoliberal ideology with a dictatorial program that needs the violation of freedoms and guarantees, in which the human condition, autonomy and dignity become targets.

The fiscal crises are the pretext and the opportunity to implement the program of unlawfully taking over of countries and peoples.

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Saturday, August 18, 2012


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Our survival is permanently managed at the razor’s edge...

Is existence sisyphic?! Absurdus/absurda?! (Camus)

Existence is indissociable from experience: experience of oneself, experience of the others, experience of the world, of the cosmos...

Existence is always conditioned by experience and by the initial formative systemic conditions, which means that the systemic growth and development structurally depend upon imposed anticipatory determinating rules, rules of integrity.

Of course, the systems can rewrite and do rewrite their initial conditions, but it is exactly that: to (re)write, to (re)write from what is there, and what is there will always remain, as initial formative condition.

Experience is always, the experience of some thing, of ourselves, of the others…, experience incorporates limits, conditions with conditioning intersubjective phenotypic effects: the judgments that we produce, the choices we make, what we are, is always conditioned by (co)existence and the (co)experience of our (co)existence.

How does freedom fit here?! The question of autonomy?! The question of the arbitriu?! There are always some things that we cannot escape, we can choose between various paths available, but those paths must be previously available, and sometimes there are no paths, it is we who have to enact our way through. Perhaps our freedom is reduced to that. If we can, or not, enact the paths is not the point, the point is our self-determination, our effort, only there are we free. In this sense, Sisyphus was free.

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Esse in re… esse in intellectu...

By: Maria Odete Madeira (Originally placed in this blog at 13/12/2009 but the guiling (?) singularity seems to have erased it:

Esse in re… esse in intellectu…, reality is that which resists to all the forms of negation…
Such as any other systems, all the systems said to be alive, follow an organizing genetics, conditioned by laws of structure that depend upon the initial formative systemic conditions, which means that the systemic growth and development structurally depend upon imposed anticipatory determinating rules, upon which the respective systems depend, in terms of integrity.

But what is a rule? What is the nature of a rule? What can be the ontological status of a rule? How can rules, that a system is unaware of and that, obviously, didn’t choose, condition all its life? All its choices? Its actions? Its paths? Because even if the system can rewrite its initial conditions, that rewriting will, still, be conditioned by its vital laws of structure.

In this context, what pertinence can there have the projection of scenarios, configured by pre-figurated degrees of freedom? Within what parameters would it be possible to consider planes of systemic transcendence?

Transcendence involves the concept of limit, to transcend is the act by which someone, or some thing surpasses or “escapes” the limits imposed by the immanence. An act of transcendence is an act of projective opening by which the system launches itself, or jumps, towards outside of itself in itself, in that which, with pertinence, can be designated by systemic jump, that is, the jump that installs in the systemic identity the ontological dyad, conceptually synthesizable as the other of itself, that which, in the system, is exterior and heterogeneous to the plane of immanence that determines it physically.

... experior haec exterior

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Capitalism: the Imperium Phase

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The capitalist mode of production has attained its Imperium phase, the sustainability in the causes is very difficult, when the “catastrophe points” are more active, precisely at causality levels. In this phase, the nonlocality became, itself, a locality by (onto)synthesis, the risk exposure is tremendous, like a “god” trying to escape himself.

The system closed itself. How can a “god” escape himself?! By negation?! By disaggregation?! By suicide?! By extension to other “gods”?! Other “gods” by the excess produced by a “god” in trouble?! By hyperconsumption in trouble?!

The system entered in a systemic looping. Will it commit suicide as the solution?! Or will it continue grabbing on to the hyperconsumption dynamics, enacting an excess of itself as resource of sustainability, waiting for the evaporation of its BlackHoleness?!

Sunday, March 25, 2012


It is in the flux of the PresentNow that we, as integrated systems, must guarantee, in the FutureNow, the sustainability that guarantees our permanence as living systems. But what is this FutureNow?! What does it mean?! We are always a to be(ing) (verb). We must guarantee in the immediate future our conditions of (onto)presence, otherwise, we cannot survive.

The “future” is our position in the “flux” of permanence: we have to be before ourselves to be in ourselves, we must anticipate in the “flux” our presence in the permanence of ourselves, and this is our “afterness”: we, each of us, are after ourselves. Indeed, while, in terms of chronological ordering, the future comes after the present, in ontological terms, the FutureNow comes before the PresentNow, it is about permanence and sustainability as PresenceThere.

We must enact ourselves, we must enact the permanence of ourselves in ourselves: that is self-sustainability, that is autopoiesis.