Monday, December 28, 2009

Ondulatory dynamics: ousia... dasein...

By: Maria Odete Madeira

Metaphysicorum quo legis sanus mundo erat luminosa projectione divinae in res mundi.

Essence has its Greek correspondent in ousia, noun formed from to einai which, in turn, also means being. In its origin, essence meant, just, being, later on, and through the usage, it came to mean that which is. The accent in the verb displaced itself to the subject (ypokeímenon, subjectum) to which the being is attributed.

Simulacrum: active sign of the trace (Derrida)…

…If we are, then we exist (ousia; dasein). Isolation is the refusal of the “Being” of all the things, placed as the “Nothing” from which all the things announce themselves in their being-there-of-the-being (Heidegger)…

...Ousia means that thing which is being (verb)… that thing which is presence in the existence. Ousia signalizes directly the being (noun) that is being (verb)…

...The systemic activity of each referent displaces, in the systems, dynamics of ondulatory rotativity, fit to produce signifier (significante(s)) structures in topologies of complex webs of signifieds (significados), with local effects at the level of the plurality of the senses, perceptioned and computed by the respective systems.

Monday, December 21, 2009

Topos: the place of the things, the place of each thing.

By: Maria Odete Madeira

Topos is the primitive Greek term for place, not a place available for the things but the place of each thing, each entity, its irreducible spatial extension.

Thus it was assumed the notion of topos by the Greek philosophers, and thus it was worked upon and expanded in conceptual terms, along the Western philosophical thinking, in which it had its origin.

Underlying the notion of topos is the philosophical assumption that all that exists has a place that is constitutively proper to it (Aristotle, Meta.7080b, 1083b; Phys.IV, 209a, 208a-213a, 212a, 208b, 209b).

Plato (Tim., 52a-c) and Aristotle worked on the concept, linking it to the notion of arché (principle), from which the nature of the things could be understood and explained, in what regards its origin.

Friday, December 18, 2009

feelings, ethos and pathos…

By: Maria Odete Madeira

The above story and video show a situation in which one can speak of a long-term memory related with affective feelings between two species. In this case, regarding the lion, one cannot speak only of a core consciousness, one must consider an extended consciousness, we are far from a merely emotional plane, there is, in the lion, an autobiographical memory that functions with respect to the recognition of the others and of the past relational bonds created with these others. This is not merely mechanical.

Emotions are part of the bio-regulatory devices and are linked to core consciousness, but that is not the case of feelings. Feelings are linked to the extended consciousness, long-term memory, an ethos and a pathos... and semiology of affects.

Also, it is known, for instance, that predators with complex social relations, that hunt in packs, develop strategies in approaching preys, these strategies differing with the preys and the environmental conditions. Many animal species learn, have creative and adaptive responses to the environment. Monkeys develop tools and strategies to solve problems (even new problems related to an interaction with urban environments), the same with ravens. Ravens provide for a casuistic of strategic behavior, such that there is evidence that ravens are capable of strategic reasoning. It is not at all the case that animals do not plan or develop strategies.

Planning and strategies are not unique to humans, and the empirical evidence is by now widely divulged, worked upon by animal behavioral science, a branch of biology and cognitive science.

Moreover, from complex systems science, we now know that any complex adaptive system is goal-directed and has a strategic nature in regards to its activity. Any complex adaptive system is an agent. The notion of strategic intention linked to an elaborate cognitive planning has long since been abandoned. Any complex adaptive system produces natural and emergent strategic planes, anticipatory theory (Popper), adaptive schemata (Gell-Mann and Holland). Anticipation is inseparable of the agency of complex adaptive systems.

Even ants, that have basic rudimentary language and are mostly mechanic, produce emergent rational strategic responses through the known process of stygmergy. The studies in swarm intelligence show how strategic intention can emerge from more basic mechanical automata.

The notion of strategy and plan in human-centric terms has been abandoned in face of the bulk of biological empirical evidence.

Thursday, December 17, 2009


By: Maria Odete Madeira

All communicational systemic contexts have the ability to synchronize in a systemic point outside each organism that comprises the system, a point of intersubjective coincidence.

When one speaks of intersubjectivity one is referring to the crossing over of various synchronized subjectivities in an external systemic point of coincidence, of agreement. This systemic point constitutes the whole of the systemic communicational synthesis (it is a fractal point), and the organisms (as complex adaptive systems) are able to read, in this point, what they need to projectively and adaptively anticipate the right response.

One may see this happening, for instance, in chases between predators and preys, in the improvisation of a jazz band, in the financial markets (the bubbles and the crashes being side-effects of an underlying adaptive response to synchrony).

When one speaks of intuition, one inevitably opens the interpretation of the results to an identification of an ability that each organism has of adaptively and projectively capture information and respond to it.

Intuition comes from the Latin in+tueri, tueri which means “to see” and in which means “in”, “within”. Intuition is the action of seeing directly within the things, in this case seeing directly, within the context, the anticipatory responses that each complex adaptive system may give to a situation. Systems and contexts being synchronized in this fit adaptation.

Any complex adaptive system has basic mechanisms of anticipation. Each system can anticipate the response of the other because the context functions as an anticipatory systemic transcendental to which the individuals are linked through an intersubjective synchronized rhythmic network, it takes place here the emergence of a reflexive and projective whole that anticipates, for each individual, the fit synchronized responses.

Monday, December 7, 2009


By: Maria Odete Madeira

Any hypertextual dynamics depends upon formative syntactic/semantic networks, linked to situations of use, committed to rotative communicational references, displaced by hybrid multitemporal topologies, conditioned by values of reference, in processes of eidetic radicularity with pragmatic effects at the level of the effectivenesses, in cognitive processings, from which ontologies of systemic risk are not excluded.