The notion of identity, with origin in the Latin identitas/atis, has the same meaning as mesmidade (Portuguese), from the Latin metipse/metipsimum, with sameness as the corresponding word in English.
The identity, or mesmidade (sameness), signalizes the permanence of the same (mesmo), in itself, in face of itself (self-reference), by itself, from a dynamics of systemic reciprocity, self-determined by a value of equality, displaced by the intrinsic rotative dynamics of reflexive monadological coincidence of each existent/system.
The identity, or mesmidade (sameness), is determined by the dispositional/intentional/reflexive character of each existent, as inalienable self-reference, that is: the permanent rotative coincidence that any individuated structure has with itself and that attributes to it an irreducible structural autonomy.
The systemic rotativity, determined by the ontology of the identity, is linked and dependent upon the mechanisms of projectivity, signalized in the systems, at the level of the effectivenesses that act in the effects, and postulated at the level of the causes, as formative capabilities that act in the preservation of the integrity of the systems in interface of survival.
The notion of projectivity, worked upon in abstract languages towards the application to the concrete systemic activity, was ontologically synthesized from a semiotic network of meanings with Latin root in:
- projectio, onis, with the meaning of action of extending;
- projecto, as, are, with the meaning of to expose and, also, of to launch forward;
- projectus, a, um, with the meaning of extension;
- projicio, is, ere, jeci, jectum, with the meaning of to expose, exposition.
The projectivity is systemically inseparable from the systemic dynamics of reflection, reflexivity and reflexibility.
Reflection, from the Latin reflectere, has the meaning of (re)turning back, and regards the projective rotative systemic activity of the agents, of any agents, be those agents: particle, field, atom, molecule, cell, animal, person, or thing, ente or entity. That activity being linked to the respective strategies and effectivenesses, entangled in the computation and exchanges of matter, energy and information, included in the computation/production of deliberative judicative valorative syntheses.
Reflexivity, from the Latin reflexu, means folded onto itself, and it is a dispositional systemic rotative capability that allows the agents and/or the systems the direct valorative cognitive processing of themselves, from their causes, or originating formative reasons (ratio, proportio) to and towards which the system intentionally directs itself with the objective of producing (re)evaluative deliberative judicative valorative syntheses.
Reflexibility is an intrinsic dispositional systemic property, common to all the things, to all the systems, as existing things and, because of that, rotatively present in their own light, in themselves, in face of themselves (self-reference) and by themselves.
The reflexibility is in the systems and is approachable in the systems, and regards the visibility or perception of these same systems, as an own mode of being, a character, while things, beings or entities that show themselves, make their apparition (aparecem), remain (permanecem) and seem (parecem), in their own visibility.
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